



KG Movie is the mastermind behind the successful event of 100 years’ celebration of HUL. It was considered as the biggest as well as the best work executed by us. Drastic risks arrive with significant events. The venue was in Kolkata where their main factory is located. We were bound to follow their guidelines and timings. We were extremely cautious about their safety measures.

If we take an in-depth look at the event, we recollect that there was an enormous oval-shaped drain making its way through the middle of the spot. Thus, our sharp-witted staffs make the utilization of platforms for leveling the venue. Moreover, the limited time has been provided to us for the completion of the whole set-up. Hence, we imposed colossal workforce. Ultimately, our brilliant workers finished the task faultlessly giving rise to the 21 feet setup with optimum care in the domains of light, sound, LED screens and much more. We unmistakably completed the entire task within the due time. 5000 employees along with their families attended the last occurrence. The gladsome heartwarming Bollywood singer Shaan was the central attraction. We added another colorful feather to our success cap through HUL.